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Refunds & Exchange


We are glad to tell you that If you wish to receive a refund, your unsatisfied items can be partial or full refund depends on the situation, You should state a specific explanation and clear corresponding photographs documenting the reason for the return. Returns will not be accepted without prior approval from Customer Service. Please allow 5-7working days from our receipt of the returned goods for a refund to be processed. You will receive a confirmation email once the transaction has been completed. PayPal refunds will be transferred immediately. Credit cards may take 4-30 business days to process.The original shipping charges will not be refunded. If you have any questions, or wish to discuss the returns procedure in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Sale: We are committed to meeting the needs of our customers. If you would like to change your order details, we will change for you depending on the process of production.

  • * Items can be changed before production. We will change for you according to your request. The changed item price more than original item price, you will pay the price difference. The changed item price less than original item price, you will get the refund for the price difference.
  • * Items can not be changed after production. If choose to keep the original item, we will continue the production. If you choose to cancel, we will cancel and refund to you according to our cancellation policy.

After sale: At our website your complete satisfaction is our top priority. We offer the change instruction. But sorry for that we only accept quality problems and mistake delivery for changing. We have size chart and colour guide on our website, we hope all the customers look it carefully before you place the order, sorry for those who choose the wrong colour or the wrong size by yourself. Please contact us before you place the order.